Newsletters, Articles, Slides & Theses centered around THESEUS‑FE

On this page we provide the publicly available scientific and commercial work related to THESEUS‑FE. About half of the material is written by members of our team and covers topics related to THESEUS‑FE development and project work. The other half is kindly provided for publication by closely related institutions which have done academic or commercial work relying on THESEUS‑FE.

The material available here around THESEUS‑FE comprises

  • newsletters showing the evolution of THESEUS‑FE
  • press reports
  • scientific articles and reports
  • slides from publicly held presentations
  • academic theses where THESEUS‑FE has been used

Please note that the material presented here is to be used for informational purposes only. None of the material presented here may be re-used or re-published in any form without due permission by the original authors.

THESEUS‑FE Newsletters

THESEUS-FE Newsletter 2023 [english, 3.5 MB]
ARRK Engineering
ARRK Engineering

December, 2023

THESEUS-FE Newsletter 2020 [english, 3.5 MB]
P+Z Engineering
P+Z Engineering

March, 2020

THESEUS-FE Newsletter 2018 [english, 2.2 MB]
P+Z Engineering
P+Z Engineering

May, 2018

THESEUS-FE Newsletter 2016 [english, 1.9 MB]
P+Z Engineering
P+Z Engineering

September, 2016

THESEUS-FE Newsletter 2015 [english, 0.9 MB]
P+Z Engineering
P+Z Engineering

April, 2015

THESEUS-FE Newsletter 2013 [english, 1.2 MB]
P+Z Engineering
P+Z Engineering

October, 2013

THESEUS-FE Newsletter 2012 [english, 0.8 MB]
P+Z Engineering
P+Z Engineering

June, 2012

THESEUS-FE Newsletter 2011 [english, 0.9 MB]
P+Z Engineering
P+Z Engineering

June, 2011

THESEUS-FE Newsletter 2009-01 [english, 0.2 MB]
P+Z Engineering
P+Z Engineering

December, 2009

THESEUS-FE Newsletter 2008-01 [english, 0.5 MB]
P+Z Engineering
P+Z Engineering

June, 2008

THESEUS-FE Newsletter 2007-02 [english, 0.2 MB]
P+Z Engineering
P+Z Engineering

October, 2007

THESEUS-FE Newsletter 2007-01 [english, 1.7 MB]
P+Z Engineering
P+Z Engineering

February, 2007

Articles & Presentations

Contra Vision bus window wraps - HVAC case study using THESEUS-FE [english, 0.8 MB]
Contra Vision
Contra Vision

November, 2019

Comparative comfort simulations for winter load cases using global and local comfort models [english, 4.0 MB]
S. Paulke
P+Z Engineering

Haus der Technik, 3. Tagung 'Fahrzeugklimatisierung' | May 07-08, 2019 | Essen, Germany

Einfluss der regionalen Solarstrahlung auf den Pkw [german, 0.3 MB]
M. Westerloh, J. Köhler
Volkswagen AG, TU Braunschweig

18. SIMVEC 2016 | November 22, 2016

Adhesive Simulation and Measurements [english, 2.2 MB]
S. Paulke
P+Z Engineering

January 15, 2019

Thermal Simulations with THESEUS-FE and ANSA: Optimizing Thermal Comfort in an Office Building Environment [english, 1.3 MB]
D. Köster
P+Z Engineering

6th BETA-CAE International Conference | June 10-12, 2015 | Thessaloniki, Greece

Thermal Simulations of a Volkswagen e-Golf Cabin Incorporating Human Thermal Comfort Models [english, 3.3 MB]
S. Paulke, D. Köster, R. Hass, V. Bader, S. Menzel, A. Gubalke
P+Z Engineering, Volkswagen AG

17. SIMVEC 2014 | November 18-19, 2014 | Baden-Baden, Germany

Thermische Simulationen einer Volkswagen e-Golf-Fahrzeugkabine unter Einbezug von thermischen Menschmodellen [german, 3.1 MB]
S. Paulke, D. Köster, R. Hass, V. Bader, S. Menzel, A. Gubalke
P+Z Engineering, Volkswagen AG

17. SIMVEC 2014 | November 18-19, 2014 | Baden-Baden, Germany

Thermal simulation of a complete vehicle using manikin models [english, 3.3 MB]
S. Paulke, D. Köster, R. Hass, V. Bader, S. Menzel, A. Gubalke
P+Z Engineering, Volkswagen AG

17. SIMVEC 2014 | November 18-19, 2014 | Baden-Baden, Germany

Vehicle thermal safety with THESEUS-FE [english, 0.9 MB]
D. Köster
P+Z Engineering

Project Report | September 04, 2014

Numerical Simulation of the Air Flow and Thermal Comfort in Aircraft Cabins [english, 0.3 MB]
M. Konstantinov, W. Lautenschlager, A. Shishkin, C. Wagner
DLR Göttingen


Numerical Simulation of the Air Flow and Thermal Comfort in a Train Cabin [english, 1.3 MB]
M. Konstantinov, C. Wagner
TU Ilmenau, DLR Göttingen


Examples of industrially relevant turbulent flow simulation with OpenFOAM [english, 10.5 MB]
M. Konstantinov, K. Weinman, W. P. Wu, T. Köthe, M. Fragner, R. Deiterding, C. Wagner
DLR Göttingen

Project Report | October 09, 2013

MAN Bus A37: HVAC Analysis & Benchmark with THESEUS-FE [english, 3.0 MB]
S. Paulke, F. Artmeier, K.-E. Yildirim, V. Bader, A. Gubner
P+Z Engineering, MAN Truck & Bus AG, Volkswagen AG, TU Munich

Project Report | August 19, 2013

Challenges in developing tools for the Digital Factory [english, 1.4 MB]
S. Paulke
P+Z Engineering

MAGNA-Conference on Enhanced Dip Painting Process by Simulation Tools | May 29, 2013 | St. Valentin, Austria

Digital Paint Process Simulation - E-Coating and Thermomechanic [english, 2.5 MB]
T. Haberland
Volkswagen AG

MAGNA-Conference on Enhanced Dip Painting Process by Simulation Tools | May 29, 2013 | St. Valentin, Austria

Numerical prediction of thermal panel distortion incorporating thermal material properties of 6016 aluminum alloy [english, 1.0 MB]
C. Albiez, M. Liewald, A. Görres, J. Regensburger
Uni Stuttgart, Audi AG

European Aluminium Congress 2011 | November 22, 2011

Individualisation of virtual thermal manikin models for predicting thermophysiological responses [english, 0.2 MB]
D. Wölki, C. van Treeck, Y. Zhang, S. Stratbücker, S. R. Bolineni, A. Holm
Fraunhofer IBP

June, 2011

Workshop: Thermal Manikin FIALA-FE (decoupled-modus) [english, 5.8 MB]
S. Paulke
P+Z Engineering

Workshop @ DLR | July 28, 2011 | Göttingen, Germany

Studies of the Thermal Comfort inside of the Passenger Compartment using the Numerical Simulation [english, 1.1 MB]
M. Ivanescu, C. Neacşu, I. Tabacu
University of Piteşti

Motors 2010 | October 7-9, 2010 | Kragujevac, Serbia

Skalen-adaptive Simulation thermischer Behaglichkeit in Innenräumen [german, 1.1 MB]
C. van Treeck, J. Frisch, S. R. Bolineni, S. Stratbücker, S. Paulke, I. Schweinfurth, R. Schwab, E. Rank, A. Holm
Fraunhofer IBP, TU Munich, P+Z Engineering

BauSim 2010 | September 22-24, 2010 | Vienna, Austria

Numerical Simulation of Car Cockpit Heating during Winter [english, 0.8 MB]
C. Neacşu, M. Ivanescu, I. Tabacu
SC Automobile Dacia SA, University of Piteşti


The Human Thermal Comfort Evaluation inside the Passenger Compartment [english, 0.9 MB]
M. Ivanescu, C. Neacşu, S. Tabacu, I. Tabacu
University of Pitesti, SC Auto Chassis International


Idealisierte energetisch-analytische Abbildungsmethode der Temperaturschichtung bei der passiven Aufheizung in der Fahrzeugkabine [german, 0.5 MB]
S. Wagner
P+Z Engineering

6. Tagung PKW-Klimatisierung | November 24, 2009 | Munich, Germany

An Optimised Thermal Design and Development Process for Passenger Compartments of Vehicles [english, 1.4 MB]
P. J. Baker, M. D. Jenkins, S. Wagner, M. Ellinger
Flowmaster Limited, P+Z Engineering

EASC 2009 (European Automotive Simulation Conference) | July 06-07, 2009 | Munich, Germany

The Influence of the Glass Material on the Car Passengers Thermal Comfort [english, 2.1 MB]
C. Neacşu, M. Ivanescu, I. Tabacu
SC Auto Chassis International, University of Piteşti


The Influence of the Solar Radiation on the Interior Temperature of the Car [english, 0.6 MB]
C. Neacşu, M. Ivanescu, I. Tabacu
SC Auto Chassis International, University of Piteşti


Simulation & Komfort [german, 1.2 MB]

Lange Nacht der Forschung | November 08, 2008 | Graz, Austria

Thermal Comfort Design and Assessment of Vehicle Cabins with THESEUS-FE [english, 1.2 MB]
S. Paulke
P+Z Engineering

Haus der Technik Seminar | October 14, 2008 | Munich, Germany

Auslegung und Beurteilung des thermischen Raumklimas in Fahrzeugen mit der Software THESEUS-FE [german, 1.3 MB]
S. Paulke
P+Z Engineering

Haus der Technik Seminar | October 14, 2008 | Munich, Germany

Simulation der Fahrzeugklimatisierung mit lokaler Komfortbewertung [german, 6.0 MB]
S. Paulke, M. Ellinger, S. Wagner
P+Z Engineering

Thermomanagement im Automobil, CTI Forum | February 12-13, 2008 | Bonn, Germany

The Application of Thermal Simulation Techniques for Seat Comfort Optimizations [english, 0.6 MB]
S. Paulke, E. Kreppold
P+Z Engineering, BMW Group


Modern Ray-Tracing Techniques Applied to Radiation Heat Transfer Analysis [english, 1.0 MB]
S. Paulke
P+Z Engineering

FEAOnline Tech. Conference | December 14, 2007 | Beijing, China

Air Conditioning Cabin Simulation with Local Comfort Rating of Passengers [english, 6.0 MB]
S. Paulke, M. Ellinger, S. Wagner
P+Z Engineering

2nd European Workshop on Mobile Air Conditioning and Auxiliary Systems | November 29-30, 2007 | Torino, Italy

Finite Element Based Implementation of Fiala's Thermal Manikin in THESEUS-FE [english, 1.6 MB]
S. Paulke
P+Z Engineering

VTMS 8 (Vehicle Thermal Management Systems Conference and Exhibition) | May 20-24, 2007 | Nottingham, UK

Implementation of an Effective Collision Detection Algorithm for View Factor Matrix Calculation [english, 4.3 MB]
Ö. Can, C. Bahtiyar, M. H. Ates
P+Z Engineering, TU Munich

Project Report | January 17, 2007

Some Considerations on Global and Local Thermal Comfort based on Fiala's Thermal Manikin in THESEUS-FE [english, 0.3 MB]
S. Paulke, S. Wagner
P+Z Engineering

6th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation | September 9-13, 2007 | Ljubljana, Slovenia

Polyhedral Finite Elements [english, 0.3 MB]
K. Chittepu, S. Kooshapur, Z. Jozefik, M. Lambrecht, D. Franke
P+Z Engineering, TU Munich

Project Poster | 2007

Implementation of Polyhedral Finite Elements with application to heat transfer [english, 5.4 MB]
Z. Jozefik, K. Chittepu, S. Kooshapur
P+Z Engineering, TU Munich

Project Report | 2007

A real time numerical analysis of vehicle cool-down performance [english, 6.6 MB]
H.R. Shim, H. Pastohr
Hyundai Motor Company, P+Z Engineering

VTMS 8 (Vehicle Thermal Management Systems Conference and Exhibition) | May 20-24, 2007 | Nottingham, UK

Simulation of complex systems using Modelica and tool coupling [english, 0.6 MB]
R. Kossel, W. Tegethoff, M. Bodmann, N. Lemke
TLK-Thermo GmbH

September 04, 2006

Kleben im Karosseriebau. Prozess-Simulation. [german, 1.1 MB]
M. Eis, S. Paulke
BMW, P+Z Engineering

Paderborner Symposium Fügetechnik | November 29-30, 2006 | Paderborn, Germany

Adhesives in Car Body Development. Process Simulation. [english, 1.1 MB]
M. Eis, S. Paulke
BMW, P+Z Engineering

Paderborner Symposium Fügetechnik | November 29-30, 2006 | Paderborn, Germany

Academic Theses

Studie pasivního chlazení kabiny osobního automobilu (Car cabin passive cooling system performance study) [czech, 2.6 MB]
P. Viščor
Brno University of Technology

Master's Thesis | 2010

Parametrisches Modell zur interaktiven Simulation menschlicher Thermoregulation [german, 3.4 MB]
J. Frisch
TU Munich

Diplomarbeit | July, 2008

Vĕtrání a klimatizace kabin automobilů (Ventilation and air conditioning of a car cabin) [czech, 1.2 MB]
P. Viščor
Brno University of Technology

Bachelor's Thesis | 2008

Prediction of Car Cabin Temperature Using Artificial Neural Network [english, 2.3 MB]
T.-Y. Lee
TU Munich

Master's Thesis | November, 2007


Numerische Berechnung des thermischen Komforts in einem Modell der PKW-Kabine [german, 0.1 MB]
M. Konstantinov, C. Wagner
TU Ilmenau, DLR Göttingen

STAB Mitteilung | 2014

Neue Software THESEUS-FE - Mit virtuellem Manikin zu mehr Komfort in der Flugzeugkabine [german, 1.2 MB]
CeBeNetwork Group
CeBeNetwork Group

Press Report | April, 2007

Modernes Thermomanagement am Beispiel der Innenraumklimatisierung [german, 0.7 MB]
T. Schneider, M. Ellinger, S. Paulke, S. Wagner, H. Pastohr
P+Z Engineering

Press Report | February, 2007

Virtueller Manikin hilft Klima auf die Sprünge [german, 0.8 MB]
R. Habig
P+Z Engineering

Press Report | February, 2006

New climatisation Manikin improves interior design [english, 0.5 MB]
P+Z Engineering
P+Z Engineering

Press Release | 2006

Softwareentwicklung ist Teil unserer Kundenorientierung [german, 0.1 MB]
Automotive Engineering Partners
Automotive Engineering Partners

Interview | 2006